Friday, May 4, 2012

A Report from Behind Enemy Lines in the War on Women

This weekend I marched against the War on Women.  I put on my protest clothes, laced up my Doc. Marten boots, and met up with the Occupy DC crew in Lafayette Park to march to Upper Senate Park for the “Unite Against the War on Women Rally.”  You’re probably asking yourself if this is a joke.  Don’t worry, it is a joke, but it’s not on you.  I wanted to march undercover, as a woman warrior, to see what it was all about.  I gained some new insight, confirmed some personal suspicions, and learned an important lesson.

The Unite Against the War on Women Rally, held in several cities across the country on Saturday, April 28th, was the work of a newly founded group, The group was founded by two women in response to "the astonishing legislation and rhetoric taking place in our House of Representatives, the media and many of the States across our country attacking our rights…from reproductive rights to voting rights to human rights."  In short, it was formed to counter the push back from Catholics, and others concerned about religious freedom, to the birth control mandate.  The organizers stated that "everyone is invited to join, plan, and rally as we unite to demand that every person be granted equal opportunities, equal rights, and equal representation."  As I totally agree with the stated platform, I didn't think they'd mind my attendance at the rally or if I took photos and videos, or even wrote a story about it.

We started out at Lafayette Park in front of the White House.  I was a little concerned that I may be recognized because I’d been discussing this very issue rather actively on twitter with 2 users that, I had only discovered a few hours beforehand, were going to be there.  I calmed myself, remembered the warrior’s code, called a friend to strengthen my resolve, and then marched along with my head held high.  My fellow marchers were quite boisterous, occasionally crossing against the light (they were Occupiers so I should have been expecting it) and frequently chanting.  It was actually kind of fun; I even joined in on a few chants.  I was jolted back to myself and my mission when they started chanting about abortion.  It was rather jarring.  We’d been chanting about equal pay, and the wrongness of sexual assault, themes that everyone can agree on, but when they brought up abortion they lost me.  Treating women with respect and dignity is in no way compatible with abortion…or contraception for that matter.

As I marched I noticed that very few pedestrians smiled at us.  There were a few who did, even a group of high school students who cheered us, but the vast majority of the pedestrians/tourists gave us dirty looks.  It may have had nothing to do with the content of the protest, it may have been hostility toward the Occupy community, or disgust with the rude signs that so frequently accompany these events, but it gave me further hope that the public is not on their side.  Their pathetic turnout on a nice Saturday afternoon was really enough to show me that, though.

When we reached Upper Senate Park for the rally I was surprised, once again, by the low turnout.  I was not surprised, though, by who turned out.  Pro-choice activists are remarkably consistent in their appearance; you’ve got the punks/Occupy-kids, you’ve got the older women, and you’ve got the women you’re not quite sure are women.  There were normal people interspersed throughout the crowd, a few “non-traditional” families, and several men as well.  There were not, though, large numbers of average and even attractive young women, and women with families like were present at the Stand up for Religious Freedom Rallies.

Shortly after we arrived the speeches began.  Kemyta Terry, a PhD student at Howard and the DC rally organizer, gave a speech welcoming us to the rally and explaining her newfound political activism.  Her Facebook page features this quote from Margaret Sanger: “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body.  No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.”  I find her admiration of Margaret Sanger disturbing, given that she is a woman of color, but that is not entirely relevant.  What I find especially striking about this quote is the idea that a woman is only able to control her body through the use of hormones that prevent a woman’s body from exercising the perfectly healthy function of ovulation.  I consciously choose not to become a mother by not having sex; the idea that I’m too stupid to understand causality and too incompetent to take responsibility for my actions and therefore must alter my biochemistry is insulting.

The speeches were, by and large, exactly what I expected to hear.  Calls to women’s unity, calls to action, etc.  There were a few things that really struck me, though.  Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan and current host of The War Room with Jennifer Granholm on Current TV, spoke for several minutes and focused on the need for women to run for office.  That’s something I can get on board with; I think women can do a great job in elected office.  Unfortunately, that is the extent of our agreement.  Granholm argued that all the “bad” legislation coming through was because of the lack of female representation.  According to Granholm, “we have a major problem of representation.” She spoke of the lack of Democratic/Progressive women legislators, confirming for me that she doesn’t regard Republican women as real women.  Republican women are winning elections across the country, but Granholm didn’t see fit to mention them.  Apparently to be a real woman, you must ingest carcinogenic hormones to suppress your ovulation and support a doctor’s right to dismember unborn babies before they’re born.  Needless to say, I was starting to get a bit irritated.

The next speaker was Sarah Hutchinson from Catholics for Choice.  This is the speech that really made my blood boil.  Don’t take my word for it, watch it yourself.  Hutchinson, as was to be expected, argued that Catholics don’t believe what the bishops teach so the bishops should really just shut up.  Her understanding of the faith is laughable, but her public misrepresentation of it is offensive.  Her only arguments are temporal, but our faith is not about the temporal.  The function of the Church is to get her believers to heaven, not ensure that they have a college savings account for every child.  Hutchinson, and I think many of us, forgot that.

After Hutchinson’s speech I left.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  I’m a bit of a hot-head and had to keep myself from heckling a few times, but I’m glad I went.  It’s very important for us to go out into the world and know what other people are saying.  It’s important for us to understand what it is that we’re really fighting and what it is that they’re really fighting for.  They are not fighting for access to contraceptives, they’re fighting for free contraceptives and ultimately, free abortions.  Equal pay is a nice thing to talk about, but don’t kid yourself, that’s only a side dish.  So, women, I’m going to exhort you, like Jennifer Granholm exhorted the women at her speech, to get involved.  Speak up for your faith, protest the violation of your conscience, and always know your real enemy.


  1. Wow! What great insight from behind enemy lines. Mind if I reblog this? The more people who read it, the better.

  2. Please remove my picture from this blog. You did not get my permission to post my image and likeness. If it is not removed there will be legal action taken. I have since sent this blog to those whose pictures are posted as well and I am sure they will follow with request for the same. Thank you for your swift cooperation.
    Kemyta Terry

    1. Today you will learn an important life lesson: you catch more flies with honey then with vinegar. Had you formed your request in the form of a question, rather than as a threat, I would have been happy to oblige. However, given the libelous remarks made about me and the threats to my personal safety inspired by the person who sent you to this blog, removing MY picture in response to a threat is out of the question. You will also learn a legal lesson: as I am not using your image and likeness for commercial purposes you have no claim of damages under right to publicity. The use of this photograph is protected by the First Amendment.

  3. I wasn't aware that, when you pose for a picture with someone, that you then must consent to them posting that picture online. Heck, even if you don't pose for one and are caught in the background you don't have to be asked. You can always request that it be removed, but no one needs to ask permission, and I don't believe it has to be removed if requested. What "legal action" could be taken? No one in the pics are even labeled, I have no idea who any of them are. The only reason someone might want them removed is because they regret attending the event, which I could understand.

  4. The photos are the intellectual property of the author of this blog. The above commenter is correct-the author of this blog is under no legal obligation to remove the photo simply because the subject in the photo disagrees with the author's politics. The complaintant has no legal grounds-no laws have been broken posting photos from a public event in which the complaintant was likely photographed by a good many other people, too.

  5. Do I have your permission to republish this post in its entirety on my site?
